
Indications for using

Cordus & Sacrus

1. Myofascial syndromes of pain and limitation of mobility in the cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral spine when functional reflex blockade of the spinal-motor segments develops (spasm of deep intervertebral muscles): dyscalgia, lumbargia, lumboschialgia, thoracalgia, cervicalgia. 2. Pain due to convex fibrosis of the intervertebral disc, tunnel syndromes, radicular syndromes of the upper extremities, numbness of the hands, periarthritis of the shoulder and the shoulder, epicondylitis of the shoulder. 3. Osteochondrosis from each localization, grade I-III scoliosis, grade I-III kyphoscoliosis, adolescent osteochondropathy (Scheuermann-Mau disease), impaired posture, growth retardation in children and adolescents. 4. Vegetative-visceral disorders caused by biomechanical disorders in the spinal-motor segments: cardiac syndrome, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, neurocirculatory dystonia of hypotonic and hypertensive type, functional visual impairment, auditory and hearing disorders , biliary dyskinesia.
5. Disorders or changes in the functions of the bronchi and lungs, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, kidneys, genitourinary system, etc., in the absence of organic damage to the body. 6. Chronic muscular tension and biomechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system caused by exercise or training. 7. Back and neck pain with occupational muscle strain associated with long-term work in the same position as well as weight lifting. 8. General healing of the body and increasing the level of action of the functional systems, prevention of musculoskeletal disorders in adults and children.

Back pain and pinched sciatic nerve. 

Treatment and prevention.

Back pain torments both people doing hard physical labor and office workers.

It is not necessary to endure, but to be treated!

The downward pain from the back to the pelvis with irradiation to the feet is called lumbo-sacral radiculitis. The cause of radiculitis is iritation of the spinal nerves in the waist (sacrum) and lumbar spine (girdle). It is also sometimes due to the impact on the nerves under the spine along the leg. A common cause is nerve compression by protrusion of the intervertebral disc in the lumbar spine and / or compression of the sciatic nerve of musculus piriformis. Compression of the sciatic nerve is painful and in order not to aggravate the situation, it is necessary to eliminate its "pinching" as soon as possible.

The spinal nerves in the lumbar region come out of the spine, some of which combine to create sciatic nerves. The sciatic nerve exits the pelvis through the sciatic opening. The pyriform muscle is located below the hindquarters. It is attached to the sacrum (triangular bone formation) located between the pelvic bones and the lumbar spine.

The second part of the piriformis muscle is attached by a tendon to the larger trochanter of the femur. Problems in the piriformis muscle affect the sciatic nerve, as it passes under the piriformis muscle (sometimes passing through the muscle) and leaves the pelvis. Inflammation or spasm of musculus piriformis affects the sciatic nerve and causes symptoms of radiculitis (lower back and back pain).

With the appearance of a bulge in the lumbar region of the belt and pelvis, pain also occurs. Therefore, when the pain in the lower back and pelvic area is eliminated, while the pain spreads to the posterior surface of the thigh, it is important to eliminate the cause of these disorders, both in the lower back and in the sacrum, and the back.


Diagnosis begins with the taking of case history, medical history and physical examination by a doctor. One of the following diagnostic methods is prescribed: • Ultrasound examination of the lumbar spine - reveals protrusion of the intervertebral disc and localization of nerve compression. • Radiography - determines the degree of degenerative changes in the ileosacral joints and spine. • Nuclear magnetic resonance displays more detailed morphological changes in the pelvis and spine.


After deep unloading of the lumbar spine and m.piriformis, the Sacrus device eliminates overload of the lower back and pelvic muscles, thereby removing compression of the intervertebral discs in the lower back and relaxing the piri muscle. This eliminates the sciatic nerve compression, after which the lumbar pain and pelvis disappear. The additional exercises for stretching the piriformis muscle after unloading the lower back and pelvis with the Sacrus apparatus ensure that the therapeutic result is confirmed and that normal health and activity are restored quickly. You can get acquainted with the device and the correction method in more detail in the product section, instruction manual or in the video attached with the link below.

Causes and symptoms

Sciatica symptoms occur due to irritation of the sciatic nerve (n.ischiadicus). The disorders are caused by spasm of the lower back muscles and musculus piriformis. The piriformis muscle is inflamed, contracted, and presses the nerve. The inflammation gradually subsides, but the muscle spasm continues. Therefore, it is important to use anti-inflammatory drugs for inflammation, but the main effect should be to eliminate the cause of nerve compression - spasm of the muscles of the lower back and buttocks. Muscle spasm continues to affect the nerve. As regeneration takes place, some of the muscle fibers are replaced with connective tissue that has less elasticity, which causes the compaction of the muscle tissue (this is also a nerve pressure factor).

That is why it is important to start unloading your spasmodic muscles as early as possible! More often, m.piriformis syndrome manifests with pain in the back of the thigh (in the butt). Pain occurs on one side (but sometimes the sensations are on both sides). Pain can radiate to the foot, resembling the symptoms of herniation on the lumbar disc. Sensitivity and weakness disorders in the leg are extremely rare. Some patients have a feeling of tingling in the legs. Patients are not comfortable sitting so they avoid sitting. And if they sit, then they raise the ailing side and do not sit steady and calmly.

Treatment and prevention. Modern Sacrus Technology

An alternative and safe method for removing the spasm of the paravertebral muscles of the spine and m.piriformis is manual stretching therapy. With the help of the Sacrus apparatus, can be applied a relieving effect on the piriformis muscle. The sciatic nerve compression is eliminated while lying on your back. The Sacrus apparatus has a specific design that isolates and elevates the sacrum ("backbone" of the spine) under the influence of gravity of the body (pelvis), helps to relax the musculoskeletal system of the pelvis and lower back, aligns and restores muscle balance from the sacrum to the thighs, and along the spine. The rounded pairs of spines in different segments of the Sacrus apparatus locally affect the trigger (sacrum) areas of the waist (sacrum) and caudal bone, deeply unloading both the musculoskeletal and bone structures.

This relaxes the pyriform and other pelvic muscles, providing pain relief and recovery, and function of the sciatic nerve. With the Sacrus device, stress, imbalance and discomfort disappear in 3-5 sessions, and with them disturbances that bother you. It is important to consider! During correction, it is possible to relax the deep muscles and ligaments, but under heavy workloads it is not always possible to restore normal tone. If the tension remains, then a slight return to the disease state is possible, but never to the original level. The next session deepens the relaxation of the sacral area and if necessary the nape, it goeson that way from session to session. Even with significant dysfunction, after 5-8 sessions the tension and pain in the pelvis are relieved.

Device for correction of

the back and the spine. 

Softly treats the spine at home.

The Sacrus Deep Muscle Impact Device allows you to correct painful deformities of your spine at home. Utilizing body weight, the apparatus gently stretches strained ligaments and muscles, restoring their natural position. Sacrus is an universal back and spine simulator that eliminates most chronic spinal problems at home. Pain, cramps, limited mobility, chronic fatigue - all these signs can indicate fatal changes in the structure of the back. However, any abnormalities can be counteracted with the help of complete osteopathic therapy. This is the solution offered by scientists, physiologists, and osteopaths who developed Sacrus: treat yourself as an osteopath at any time that is convenient for you, under any conditions.
Multiple simulators for the back and spine muscles offered, as an analogue to professional massage, cannot handle their original task - a profound effect on the muscles and ligaments responsible for spinal balance and vertebral position relative to one another. Sacrus is the only spinal correction device that affects not only the superficial muscles but also the deep layers. The impulses reach the ligaments, correct the position of the displaced bones, restore the natural muscle balance and relieve tension.

Advantages of the Sacrus

Usually, the spine simulators only use vibration to affect the congested back. Such a massage does not penetrate deeply and therefore gives only a temporary effect. Sacrus is an exception to this rule. Using body weight, it stretches your back and restores his spine to natural position. By using Sacrus, you restore your spine health without the risk of muscle stretching or lacerations.
The Sacrus Spinal Cord Correction Device acts on the deep muscles, releasing loaded vessels, restoring normal blood flow to the back. This allows you to quickly get rid of fatigue and stress problems, and also triggers regenerative processes that are inhibited by untreated trauma or a sedentary lifestyle.

Signs of chronic back problems

• The earlier you start using the Sacrus device, the less chronic effects you will have to experience. It is very important that you start treatment even before doctors declare a fixed deformity, serious problems with your back blood circulation, or an acute inflammatory process. Pay particular attention to the following symptoms: • It becomes more difficult for you to get up in the morning; simple physical activities (such as prolonged walking) have become tiring for you. • Sometimes you experience acute pain in the back or lumbar region, which passes quickly. • Anxious, moaning, back pain that may be provoked by hypothermia, prolonged bathing, or slight strain. • In the evening, you cannot relax your spine for a long time. You can no longer sleep on your back because this situation seems uncomfortable or causes physical pain. • It is difficult for you to bend or unfold; you notice a decrease in flexibility and mobility. • A sedentary lifestyle becomes more and more difficult for you: after work, your head is noisy, feeling very tired and unable to recover after a short sleep, a walk or a workout.
Leaving aside these problems, you are at serious risk. Lack of exercise, lack of massage or other medical procedures can lead to the development of arthrosis, osteochondrosis, or herniation of the intervertebral discs. If you do not have enough time to take care of your back, pay attention to the Sacrus spine apparatus. This device allows you to have complete osteopathic sessions at home, unloading your spine and sacral area. Just one procedure is enough to relax the strained muscles and prevent deformation.


Cordus & Sacrus

IndicatorOther spinal apparatusMassage chairs and bedsMassage and manual therapySacrus Mag (with neodymium magnet)Sacrus Phisio (with vibration and microcurrent therapy)
Price of therapy / apparatusfrom 500 to 2000 BGNfrom BGN 650 to 3000Course of 250 BGN.Price from 200 BGN.Price from 400 BGN.
Improved blood circulation of the musclesPartial improvement.Improves blood circulation only on superficial muscles.Improves blood circulation only on superficial muscles.It improves blood circulation on deep muscles.It improves blood circulation on deep muscles.
Removal of muscle imbalanceDo not remove.Do not remove.Eliminate imbalances with more than 1 course of therapy.Effectively eliminates muscle imbalance.Effectively eliminates muscle imbalance.
Efficiency in protrusions / bulges / and herniasNo effect.They can provoke deterioration.Assists with long and multiple courses.Helps all sections of the spine.Helps all departments of the spine.
Elimination of imbalance in the basic units of the skeleton – waist and skull, mobilization of the vertebrae.No effect.No effect.Reduces imbalance in duration longer than 1 course of therapy.Restores the functional balance in the sacrum, spine and head, normalizes natural muscle tone.Restores the functional balance in the sacrum, spine and head, normalizes natural muscle tone. Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
Long-term effectShort-term effect for 1-3 weeks.Short-term effect for 1-3 weeks.1-3 months after the course of therapy.3-6 months after the course of therapy.3-6 months after the course of therapy.
Presence of multifunctional possibilities, physiotherapy.Classical electrotherapy for the BGN 500 modelsRough vibration or infrared radiation.There is no additional charge either.In the basic models additional, natural magnetotherapy is realized.1) Activation of recovery processes by micro-currents of alpha modulation. 2) Low frequency soft vibration for deep relaxation. 3) Reduction of functional loads in the nervous system. 4) Anti-stress effect.

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